Alpha Esquires Technology Day was a Grand Success

On September 24th, the Alpha Esquires (AE) Intro to Technology Day proved to be a grand success.  Technology entrepreneur and AE board member Mrs Tina Fitch, technology guru Tommy Hanks, and Apple software engineer Christopher Ketant, facilitated a workshop the Esquires will not forget. The afternoon began with Mrs Fitch providing information on the absence of African Americans in the technology industry, although their are numerous well paying jobs available. Mr Ketant followed with a story on how he became involved in technology and the numerous road blocks and hurdles he had to overcome to achieve the status he has today. He encouraged the Esquires by telling them they can become whatever they want and to use him as motivation. Lastly, Mr Hanks treated the Esquires to a hands on workshop on code writing. Esquires were allowed to execute a few simple code writing sequences and view how those codes translate into video games they play on a daily basis. The day concluded with 14 Esquires signing up to participate in Mr Hanks’ FREE code writing class. Through Mr Hanks’ non-profit, iFoundry, Esquires will be provided all of the literature and equipment necessary to complete the course…… FREE OF CHARGE!!!! What a day for the Alpha Esquires!
