

Alpha Esquires is a mentoring program for young men in grades 7-12 currently enrolled in Los Angeles area schools.  Our mentors promote leadership development, career awareness, community involvement, educational planning, oral communication skills and social awareness.   Each Esquire is partnered with a male mentor, allowing the individual needs of every Esquire to be met.  We realize that a one size fits all approach does not work when it comes to mentoring youth.

The program is designed to enhance the performance of participants in all subject matters, with a strong emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM).  We strive to ensure that participants become balanced individuals, as community service is at the program’s core.  When an Alpha Esquire completes the program, he will be prepared to take the SAT/ACT exams, and be aware of how to successfully navigate the college application process.

The Alpha Esquire program is not designed to get young men into institutions of higher learning, it is designed to get them through institutions of higher learning.  Statistics show that only 33% of Black males that enter college finish.  Armed with this knowledge, our program matches Esquires with on campus mentors to ensure they complete their journey.

The Facts Regarding Black Male Achievement and the Drive Behind the Alpha Esquires:

  • Every 5 seconds during the school day, a Black public school student is suspended.
  • Every 46 seconds during the school day, a Black high school student drops out.
  • A Black male is 700% more likely than a White male to be sentenced to a local, state, or federal prison.
  • The unemployment rate for Blacks ages 16-19 is 25%.
  • Every 5 hours, a Black youth is a homicide victim.
  • Of the Black males that graduate from high school, only 45% will enroll into higher education (college, vocational, or trade school).
  • Of the Black males that enroll into higher education, only 33% will complete that higher education.
  • Every day a Black child or youth under 20 commits suicide.

Though society tends to label the “Black Man,” we strive to tear down those barriers of disbelief by developing young-positive African American men intellectually, emotionally, culturally, spiritually, socially, as well as physically for passage into young adulthood… It’s all about the “Better Making of Men”… but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11


Alpha Esquires provides a college/career preparatory environment for middle and high school aged young men in the Greater Los Angeles area by promoting academic achievement, particularly in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM), community service, professional development and social etiquette, while fostering relationships with peers and mentors.


To increase the achievement levels of minority young men, while providing a variety of resources and platforms that will make a positive impact in their lives physically, mentally, and spiritually and transform the Greater Los Angeles community.

Alpha Esquires Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations are tax deductible.

To Learn More About Alpha Esquires, Contact Us at: alphaesquiresla@gmail.com